28 December 2008

27 December 2008

My Reply ..and the rest are out of nowhere

and pp/s: I'm currently addicted to Leggo's sauce... oh man

21 December 2008

Jee Baa Boom

It's Plug Boy again =p He now has grey pants.

It's Plug Boy; not playboy!

Hee, thanks Vee for suggesting that I can do it in colors! And my parents laughed funny when they saw what I did X).

Good night, good morning! =) I had fun!

18 December 2008

For a friend who sprained his neck

Get well soon so you can dance again and kick Plug Boy in his butt for "dancing" like a monkey.

Plug Boy : Who are you calling monkey?!
Monkey : You traced like a monkey!
ksf : Do not drink and draw

p/s: animated in 3DSmax; traced in Photoshop.
pp/s: to be continued tomorrow (?) or the day after tomorrow (?!)

I shed a few tears last night...

...because I really heard what the band was singing...

17 December 2008

15 December 2008

Silent Explosion

And lost in translation... you know what I mean?

14 December 2008

Rain, rain go away

Peltarlitoh (or Pel in short) by ksf

Peltarlitoh lives in the Land Above The Clouds. He is handicapped by birth- with no hands and no availability of speech. Although he is actually a bird, he can't fly as his wiings are too small. Despite all these cruel truths, Pel is a talented musician and he earns his living by playing his 3-strings guitar on his head using his frog-like legs. The money he earned can be stored in his enormous pelican-mouth-like pouch. He normally uses the money earned to pay his rent and to buy his favourite food - salmon! He enjoys eating seafood too but he dreads worms the most.

Pel's optimism has brought him through life for 17 years. He loves the crowd and his music is his means to communicate with the world around him. But, despite his peaceful life now, he is constantly weighed down by a question : Where is his family?

He had been seperated from his family by birth and no one has ever heard any news about them. His only connection between him and his family is the pendant he wore on a chain on his neck. (I forgot to draw..heck!)

Will Pel find his family? Will he ever fly and speak? And so, the journey to the Meadow On The Water (*gua gua gua* Xp) begins as Pel starts off to look for an answer... and only with a true and pure heart shall he find the answer...

Oh man, these trees look so emo.

And friends from abroad commented that we have trees that look like dinosaurs legs! (our rainforest trees!) That is so interesting!

12 December 2008

I'm back

from washing my laundries...
and I kept having memories trips down the lane due to 3 days of work without sleep...
adventures are everywhere...
as long as I keep my eyes open...

but the sleep bug hits...


a conversation with a 3 year old recently...

and I still managed to survive lesson despite having 3 hours of sleep for 2 days...

and Eunice is the best for letting me develop what was initially an unintentional doodle ...

and Shini took one day leave to bake with me...

and it was good to do something other than work...

and we saw these awesome drawings outside someone's abode...

and I finally slept for 11 hours today! TuT

p/s: that's how I felt yesterday in the bus on my way home ... Xo