16 October 2014

3 Traumatic Days

Thank you to all the strong and wonderful staff at the Wellington Hospital too! You all are super awesome!

I meditated a lot during the 3 days in the hospital. Yoga really helps me in ways I couldn't have imagine... I am thankful that I am very strong and bb is very wonderful and strong too! We are very thankful for Meimei too for being so strong! You are our dearest sweetheart! Stay strong! Wait for at least 4 more weeks before you come out to play! We love you very much!


Unknown said...

Jia you!

Livi said...

We are so glad she decided to stay in your tummy for the time being!

Eva said...

Jie you shu fen! After me, your the next!
Stay strong and keep talking to ur meimei.
she can hear u... I guarantee.... its true.
will pray for u and baby! ;p
keep it going. Do not panick!

Yong Ling said...

Glad that you are doing well. Take care Shufen.

i_am_ksf said...

thanks Bryan and Livi and Eva and Yong Ling! Very appreciate all your kind thoughts and prayers! :) thanks! :)hugs! we will stay very strong!!!