04 January 2019

Our Trip Back To Singapore -The Merlion

Yay! I'm drawing again, hee! I wanna draw some comics about our trip to Singapore in December 2018! (We arrived back home in Vancouver on the 30th December; still very jet lag.. that's another comic 😳😳😳)
Found one satisfactory answer to why the Merlion spits water: (surprisingly, not much is written about why the Merlion spits water (?!))
"The spitting of water, has been seen as the endless spitting of money into the deep ocean of money – the Singapore River. The place that gives this whole island meaning, Singapore’s River of Life. Water in Chinese culture represents wealth, so the endless, unceasing spitting is apparently also symbolic of never ending prosperity into the River of Life."
(Paragraph copied from https://heartlandertourist.wordpress.com/2014/08/28/the-merlion-and-its-park/)

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