01 April 2009

I Felt Like I were Being Played A Bad Prank On Yesterday...And It Wasn't Even April's Fool yet...(p/s:title has got nothing to do with the post below)

p/s: he also offered the snacks to his grandma... but she ate first before I knew it..
*gua gua gua*

(Below is a birthday card for a friend =)

Yesterday, in the bus, on my way to watch the movie "Departures",
I saw these words on a guy's t-shirt:
"Sometimes, Soul and Hope are all we have."

And he has got an awesome tattoo on his calf!


i_am_ksf said...

but I don't smoke

It's me! said...

U r not the only one waiting...there might be 10 or 20 or more ppl waiting to go to the same place as you too. Rem, you are not alone ;)