18 December 2015


Preheat oven to 305 °F

Mix minced chicken with an egg and some flour and salt and pepper, and make them into meatballs. Lightly fry them till brown on most sides. Set the meatballs aside.

Chop up one onion, some garlic, some potatoes/sweet potatoes and cook them for about 5 minutes in the frying pan. 
Next add 1 tablespoon of
-ground cumin
-ground corriander
-curry powder
and cook for a few minutes. Add one cup of water and pour in the can of organic coconut milk and organic can of tomatoes and bring to a boil.

Transfer everything to a tray and cover with a sheet of aluminium foil and cook in the oven for 1 hour. :)


p/s: Meimei did made a face upon her first bite of curry, but continued eating the rest of her meal afterwards :) Yay!

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